Crich Comrades Club Committee Members
Crich Comrades Club Committee Members
Crich Comrades Club Committee Members
Crich Comrades Club Committee Members
1930 -1939
To celebrate 10 year anniversary of the British legion and the opening of the Comrades Club a concert party was held on July 4th followed by a church parade on July 5th. Also a free cinema show was organised for all the children within Crich parish at the Crich Cinema House, it's not recorded what film title was shown. A commemorative medallion was presented to each child before the performance along with a bag of sweets. There was 500 medallions produced. If anyone has a medallion in their possession or have more details of this event please get in touch via Club.

The Crich Comrades Club and Royal British Legion 10th anniversary medallion 1931
In March 1932 due to disagreements on managing the Comrades Club and unfounded rumours of its closure several committee members resigned and formed a separate British Legion committee. Splitting from the Club they held their first meeting in The Jovial Dutchman in May 1932. Remaining at the Dutchman until its closure in 2009 when the Legion transferred to The Black Swan and then eventually moving to The Cliff Inn. 2018 saw the Legion return to the Comrades Club with meetings held on the first Sunday of each month, new members welcome; you don’t have to have served in the armed forces to become a member, more information available from the Comrades Club.
Charles Richard Mason (1881–1938) was a married stonemason, after the war he was involved with Crich Comrades Club and in 1932 represented them at a commemoration ceremony at Theipval on the Somme.
Article from Belper News April 1934
Mr. Maurice Deacon’s Offer to Avert Dissolution
Considerable importance attached to the 13th annual general meeting on Friday, of the Crich Comrades Club Limited. A special appeal had been made for every member to attend, and an invitation extended to any ex-servicemen interested. Mr John Lister of Whatstandwell presided, supported by Mr Maurice Deacon (President), Mr Norman Smith, (Chairman), Mr W.T.E. Curzon (Secretary) and Mr F. Wood (Treasurer). Several officials of Crich British Legion were present, including Mr A Day (Chairman), Mr E Burtt (Secretary), Mr S Askew and Mr S Taylor.
Mr Curzon welcomed Mr Maurice Deacon who he said was present at the special request of the committee and read the special report of Mr H.C. Cooper Parry public auditor under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts in which it was stated; “As reported to you on the 13th April 1933, the clubs premises are held in the names of five trustees, subject to a somewhat complicated declaration of trust, the main feature of which would appear to vest the entire assets of the club in eleven surviving 1919-1920 ex serviceman, although this finds no supporting corroboration in the rules. I understand that the said members are claiming the assets of the club, including the premises in accordance with the trust deed and have submitted the question to a solicitor. These eleven members appear to have constituted themselves as the committee, and for the past year the club has been managed by such members without the specific sanction relating to election provided by the rules”.
Losing 33 shillings a week
Mr Curzon said the committee had held several special meetings, and had come to the conclusion that unless a great improvement was made it would have to notify all members that the club would have to be dissolved, and that would be a great loss to the district. For the first thirteen weeks of 1934 the club had been losing 33 shillings a week, which was a sum of £21-9s-6d.
Mr F. Woods (Treasurer), in his financial report, said that he would like to say quite definitely that he had recommended that the committee close down, as it was folly to carry on without any hope of increasing or bettering the financial condition of the club. It was impossible to carry on at a loss of 33 shillings per week, and the position appeared to him to be hopeless. The club was £378 in debt. He thought the solicitor should have been at the meeting. Mr Curzon said the solicitor had been invited.
The Chairman said there was not the slightest doubt that the club was insolvent, and the position seemed to be a very artificial. He would like to hear what Mr Deacon had to say, as he was present at the special request of the committee.
Mr Deacon said it would be a misfortune for the club to close. After all, it was largely a question of membership, and understood this had dropped from 200 to about 70. The membership must be increased if the club were to carry on successfully. He thought there could be saving made on the sports side, and he would be prepared to give several prizes for billiards and snooker matches. They must make a desperate effort to keep the expenses down and to increase the income. If they would give the club a trial run of two more months he would undertake to make good any losses incurred in that period.
Mr Lister thanked Mr Deacon for his very generous offer, and he appealed for those present to do their part to increase membership.
Continued on trial
A resolution was moved that in view of the figures and correspondence before the meeting showing a loss of £21 for the last three months, and in view of Mr Deacons undertaking to make good any losses for the next two months, the club be continued on trial until the end of June, and at the end of that period a meeting be called to decide whether to close down or continue. This was seconded and carried by 16 votes to 5.
Mr Curzon moved the amendment, which was lost, that the club be dissolved immediately.
Mr Lister said he hoped now Mr Deacon’s offer had been accepted the ex-servicemen would all do their best to increase membership.
Mr S Askew said there was not much encouragement for anyone to work when the power was vested in 11 members.
Mr Curzon replied that the 11 members were carrying on the club to the best of their ability.
World War 2
Throughout the war years the Club supported the war effort raising funds from Bingo, Domino handicaps, Lotteries and purchasing War Bonds along with supporting Warship Week, Salute the Soldier, Wings for Victory and donating to the Local Comfort Fund.